Registration begins 8:00 AM
8:30 AM - Advanced Life Insurance Techniques for Today's Estate and Business Planning Professionals - Jim McGovern
9:35 AM - Signing (and Working With) Electronic Wills, Trusts and POAs Under 2018 House Enrolled Act 1303 - Jeff Dible
10:50 AM - Workshop Session I:
Emerging Issues in Medicaid Estate Recovery: John Phillipp
Essential Bankruptcy Law for the Estate Practitioner, with Practical Advice and Tips - Robert Musgrave
10:50 AM - Workshop Session I:
Emerging Issues in Medicaid Estate Recovery: John Phillipp
Essential Bankruptcy Law for the Estate Practitioner, with Practical Advice and Tips - Robert Musgrave
10:50 AM - Workshop Session I:
- Emerging Issues in Medicaid Estate Recovery: John Phillipp
- Essential Bankruptcy Law for the Estate Practitioner, with Practical Advice and Tips - Robert Musgrave
-The Mediation of Probate and Trust Matters - Ross Rudolph
11:50 AM Lunch
12:30 PM Workshop Session II:
- Emerging Issues in Medicaid Estate Recovery - John Phillipp
- Essential Bankruptcy Law for the Estate Practitioner, with Practical Advice and Tips - Robert Musgrave
- The Mediation of Probate and Trust Matters - Ross Rudolph
1:30 PM Entity Selection in Light of New Tax Laws - Sandra McCully and Ryan Masterson
2:50 PM Recent Developments of Interest to Estate Planners - Jeff Kolb
3:50 PM Adjourn
- CLE/Certified Mediation Credi (1)
- General CLE (6)